Membership 1991

The following people joined DAS this year or were members last year. Unit officers’ names are shown in bold text.

DAS name Unit Joined Status Other Society Roles
Thorvaldr Ulfsonnr Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Styrkar Ovennisson Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Skuli Eriksonnr Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Thorkatla Eriksdottir Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Astrid Haraldsdottir Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Steinkel Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Yngvild Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Ottar Eriksson Auridfjordingi Yes Full
Beorn Beorcscire Yes Full
Morcar Beorcscire Yes Full
Gudrun Beorcscire Yes Full
Ceolred Beorcscire Yes Full
Raedflaed Beorcscire Yes Full
Aethelnoth Aethelreadson Beorcscire Yes Full Keeper of The Portaloo
Eanflaed Beorcscire Yes Full
Edith Beorcscire Yes Full
Elwyn Beorcscire Yes Full
Grimwuld Beorcscire Yes Full
Oonah Beorcscire Yes Full
Snotta Beorcscire Yes Full
Aelfric Cilternsaete Yes Full
Herewulf Aescferthing Cilternsaete Yes Full Chair, Safety Officer
Godwin Cilternsaete Yes Full Treasurer
Eahlswith Cilternsaete Yes Full
Eanwulf Cilternsaete Yes Full
Athelstan Cilternsaete Yes Full
Wulf Thorgasson Fenriringas Yes Full
Jorand Fenriringas Yes Full
Thjostolf Fenriringas Yes Full
Anlaf Fenriringas Yes Full
Astrid Aernisdotta Fenriringas Yes Full
Gwynneth Fenriringas Yes Full
Valgar Egilsonnr Fenriringas Yes Full
Hauk Fenriringas Yes Full
Imric Fenriringas Yes Full
Thotlis Fenriringas Yes Full
Ragnar Fenriringas Yes Full
Thrain Fenriringas Yes Full
Cedric Fenriringas Yes Full
Lars Olafson Fenriringas Yes Full
Asa Fenriringas Yes Full
Asgrim Fenriringas Yes Full
Bera Fenriringas Yes Full
Brond Fenriringas Yes Full
Gilli Gelson Fenriringas Yes Full
Osgot Fenriringas Yes Full
Freydis Helgisgathingas Yes Full Keeper of The Portaloo
Harald Helgisgathingas Yes Full
Fritha Helgisgathingas Yes Full
Arne Helgisgathingas Yes Full
Gunnhild Helgisgathingas Yes Full
Svein Helgisgathingas Yes Full
Gan Mercians Yes Full
Eadric Mercians Yes Full
Cenred Mercians Yes Full
Hildelith Mercians Yes Full
Seaxwulf Mercians Yes Full
Eowa Mercians Yes Full
Ceola Mercians Yes Full
Wuffwyrd Mercians Yes Full
Aelwyn Mercians Yes Full
Ulric Odin’s Host Yes Full
Sigrid Odin’s Host Yes Full
Seiun Odin’s Host Yes Full
Valgard Ulriksonnr Odin’s Host Yes Full
Egil Orca Yes Full
Osric Orca Yes Full
Gunnar Orca Yes Full
Trygvassen Orca Yes Full
Graff Orca Yes Full
Freyda Orca Yes Full
Arnora Orca Yes Full
Igela Orca Yes Full
Karl Orca Yes Full
Anir Sumorsaete Yes Full
Coelwulf Sumorsaete Yes Full
Ricula Sumorsaete Yes Full Chair
Aelfric-Julius Sumorsaete Yes Full
Aethelwulf Sumorsaete Yes Full
Wulfstan Sumorsaete Yes Full
Myllweall Sumorsaete Yes Full
Aelfwulf Sumorsaete Yes Full
Cyndrith Sumorsaete Yes Full
Eadburgh Sumorsaete Yes Full
Ecgbert Sumorsaete Yes Full