Membership 1977

The following people joined DAS this year or were members last year. Unit officers’ names are shown in bold text.

DAS name Unit Joined Status Other Society Roles
Wulf Thorgasson Northern DAS Yes Full
Sigwald Northern DAS Yes Full
Hakon Rus Dragons Yes Full
Brond Geldnaemerson Dragons Yes Full
Gida Rus Dragons Yes Full Secretary
Valgard Hawks Yes Full
Brynjolf Hawks Yes Full
Thjostolf Hawks Yes Full
Imric Hawks Yes Full
Orm Hawks Yes Full
Einar Hawks Yes Full
Penda Mercians Yes Full
Vitican Mercians Yes Full
Ellrahadan Mercians Yes Full
Hauk Mercians Yes Full
Morkar Mercians Yes Full
Ceornwulf Mercians Yes Full
Olaf Mercians Yes Full
Gan Mercians Yes Full
Stigurd Beornson Serpents Yes Full
Sven Borg Serpents Yes Full
Suric Serpents Yes Full
Astrid Serpents Yes Full
Trygvasson Serpents Yes Full
Ulric Ulric Yes Full
Alfgar Alfgar Yes Full
Edmund Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Aelhere Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Lady Eleanor Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Roland the Frank Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Elric Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Martin P. Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Redwulf Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Matilda Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Cuthbert the mad Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Gudrun Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Dave B. Weymouth DAS Yes Full
Petroc Celts Yes Full
Brigante Celts Yes Full
Gwill Celts Yes Full
Ceredig Celts Yes Full