Tag Archives: Forest Green

Events Diary 2013

The first event of 2013 will be a DAS weekend of fighting and feasting over the 5th – 7th April 2013, at Earleywood Scout Camp, near Sunningdale in Berkshire. We welcome all members old and new, who would like to fight in the woods, practice crafts, or just enjoy good fellowship, food and ale with the Dark Ages Society.

DAS members please email or phone the Deputy Secretary, Halla, with any updates or changes.
Any non-members interested in attending, please email the Deputy Secretary for further details, or Contact Us.

2013 Events

When What Contact Where
Sat 2nd February DAS Officers’ Meeting Guthwald, our Chair Ingibjorg’s
15th – 17th March The Original Re-enactors Market (TORM) www.reenactorsmarket.co.uk Ryton on Dunsmore, Nr. Coventry
5th – 7th April DAS fighting weekend Ingibjorg, Holmbyggja Earleywood Scout Camp, Berkshire
10th – 12th May DAS fighting weekend Wulf, Westmen Forest Green, Surrey
28th – 30th June DAS training and living history weekend Ingibjorg, Holmbyggja Chiltern Open Air Museum
23rd – 26th August (Bank Holiday) DAS living history weekend Ingibjorg, Holmbuggyja Murton Park, York
27th – 29th September DAS fighting weekend Hrolf & Morag, Holmbuggyja Cadbury, Somerset
Saturday, 19th October DAS Officers’ Meeting Guthwald, our Chair Guthwald’s, Godmanchester
25th -27th October DAS fighting weekend Herewulf, Cilternsaete Flaunden, Herts


Event Details for 2013

Earleywood Scout Camp: 5th – 7th April

A private society event with fighting and banquet. The event runs from Friday evening until Sunday lunchtime.
We’ll stay in a cozy scout camp. There aren’t any beds, but there are hot showers and several nice side rooms.
In the morning we’ll fight in local woodlands, then after lunch we’ll continue skirmishing in the scout camp, which is pleasantly wooded.
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Forest Green: 10th – 12th May

A classic DAS weekend of fighting and feasting, this will be a private society event at the village hall in Forest Green, Surrey. We’ll fight on historic Leith Hill, and later gather for a fine banquet.

Chiltern Open Air Museum: 28th – 30th June

A DAS training weekend, chillout at Chiltern. We’ll be using Arborfield Barn during the day and the roundhouse in the evenings. Anybody who wants to do iron age rather than dark age can use the roundhouse in the day. Cost to be confirmed.
Activities can include: living history and crafts all day, combat training and display practice, general chilling out and enjoying the site, fighting in the woods after hours, partying in the roundhouse. There will be camping space, or we can sleep in the buildings.
No vehicle movements are allowed on site from 9.45 to 5.30 (i.e. during opening hours) – if you want to leave early you need to have your car off site in advance.

Ingibjorg is the contact for now but will not be in charge of the event.

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Murton Park Museum of Farming: 23rd – 26th August

Join DAS for a three-day event at the Danelaw Viking village, set in the Yorkshire Museum of Farming, Murton Park, Murton, York. The site will be open to the public so we must maintain authenticity during the days but the weekend is for us to relax and enjoy ourselves.
Accomodation will be in wooden huts/halls. Bring crafts and games. Cost to be confirmed.

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Cadbury: 27th – 29th September

A private society weekend of fighting and feasting, at the village hall and hillfort in Cadbury, Somerset – possibly the site of Arthur’s Camelot.

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Flaunden: 25th – 27th October

A private society weekend of fighting and feasting, at the village hall of Flaunden in Hertfordshire. This is always a cracking event!

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Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

2011 closed with a small but very enjoyable winter adventure on Leith Hill. Despite the countryside being ravaged by plague (that is, everybody and his dog being ill!), we few survivors battled our way to the Tower of Plenty, where we bought orange squash and then did an impromptu display for about 20 passers-by – who seemed to enjoy the spectacle.

Later on we enjoyed a sumptuous banquet with slow-cooked mutton, fine pates and other goodies, and plenty of ale and songs. Many thanks to the Westmen.

The calendar for next year is starting to take shape, though there are still plenty of spaces for any member who would like to run an event – especially if anybody who hasn’t run an event before would like to have a go.

2012 – the Calendar So Far

30th March – 1st April: Earleywood Scout Camp, Berkshire
20th April – 22nd April: Chiltern Open Air Museum, Buckinghamshire
18th May – 20th May: Forest Green, Surrey
24th August – 27th August (Bank Holiday): Danelaw Village, York

The Final 2011 Bash Approaches

DAS’s last event for the year will be at Forest Green in Surrey. We’ll fight on historic Leith Hill – indeed on the very site of the Battle of Leith Hill, way back in the time of Alfred’s father. Wulf and the Westmen will provide us with a fine winter feast, and it’ll be our last chance to trade blows on the field of battle, and drinks in the banquet hall, before next year.

If you’d like to join us for battle and banquet, please get in touch!

Breaking News – first events for 2012 booked!

We now have 2 confirmed events for next year:
30 March – 1 April, Earleywood Scout Camp, Berkshire
24-27 August (Bank Holiday), Danelaw Village, Murton Park, York