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The Hunt for Ivar’s Treasure, early 875 A.D. (Earleywood, March 2015)

At the end of 874 King Burhred of Mercia was driven out of his kingdom, and the Viking king Ivar Ragnarsson died (see 2014’s Flaunden event). The Vikings crowned Ceolwulf as their puppet in Mercia, and he declared a peace. However, it was not universally respected, as some Mercians did not acknowledge Ceolwulf… Meanwhile the Vikings were leaderless, with Ivar’s brother Halfdan Ragnarsson and his rival Guthrum at each other’s throats, and all the warbands turning on each other.


King Ivar revealed on his deathbed where he buried the gold from Medhamstead Monastery (Peterborough) in 870. His notes and map were torn into three parts by squabbling Vikings, and the three parts found their way into the hands of the Holmbyggjar, Oestvikingae, and Westmen. They raced across Mercia toward the site to recover Ivar’s ill-gotten gains, clashing with each other in a series of brutal skirmishes on the way. Whilst passing through the lands of the Cilternsaete they encountered a problem: the Cilternsaete, possibly encouraged by the Beorcsciringas visiting from Wessex and letters from King Alfred, were being obstructive and demanding tolls from any Vikings crossing their land (and were secretly trying to gather the bits of the map for themselves, creating their own copy).


The Westmen managed to collect the entire map, and rushed towards the final location, although on the way they did loose a piece to a final Englisc attack. Thus (after a break for a delicious lunch) the Westmen hared off first into the area where the treasure was buried. The Englisc were hot on their tail, followed by the Oestvikingae and Holmbyggjar (who had made their own map, by comparing their memories of fragments they had lost). After much backstabbing, frenzied searching through holly bushes, and quite a lot of reburial, it became clear that all the gold had been found. Then came the final desperate dash to sneak the treasure away from the site… The Englisc utilised the speedy and sneaky Wulfgar to smuggle theirs out first; the Oestvikingae put all their eggs in one Thorhelm whilst the rest of them tried to hold off the enemy (and Cuthwin took them down in quick succession); the Westmen sent Grimkell flanking the hall to successfully save their massive haul of treasure as Bulverk and Wulf caught Hauk with his pants down; Fritha sprinted in with one relic when everyone was distracted; and then came a final push from the Holmbyggjar, who had already feasted on most of the treasures that they recovered.


In the evening, in a hall on the borders of East Anglia, Ceolwulf’s peace held and Ingibjorg of the Holmbyggjar served a magnificent feast. The Englisc were visited by Father Godfrid of Earleywood Abbey, fresh from Ceolwulf’s court and newly promoted to the priesthood, with news of Englisc uprisings in Mercia, East Anglia, and Northumbria. He was returned one of the two lost Scrolls of St. Swithun by Ceolred Monger Thegn of the Beorcsciringas and the cursed sword Kingslayer by Herewulf Thegn of the Cilternsaete (delivered by Wulfgar of the Cilternsaete), and himself delivered letters to the Vikings from the three men who would be their king:

  • Guthrum said that there was no point fighting Wessex until the Englisc uprisings were subdued. He said that he was heading East, to crush the East Anglians, and offered land to all who would follow him.
  • Harald Fair-Hair, the King who had recently united all of Norway under his iron fist, announced that he was sailing towards these lands with Ragnvald Earl of More. He said that he intended to start by taking the Isles – the Shetlands, Orkneys, Hebrides, and Mann.
  • Halfdan Ragnarsson said that he would not let the Englisc, the Picts, or Harald Fair-Hair take the land that the Great Army had conquered, and that he was marching North to defend Northumbria and the Isles.

There was outrage at Harald’s words, with Styrkar Ovennisson of the Westmen wanting to defend his home on Orkney; Guðrún of the Oestvikingae casting bones and predicting ruin on any who followed Harald; and Hallgerd of the Westmen saying that Harald Fair-Hair reminded her of a bullying cousin from when she was young. The Westmen and Oestvikingae both declared their support for Halfdan, whilst Glora of the Holmbyggjar was more cautious, wishing to consult her comrades before deciding which king to follow.


An excerpt from Hauk Ragnarsson’s Saga
After the death of Ivar, the Oestvikingae were given part of a map that showed where he had hidden the treasure he had taken from Medhamstead Abbey 5 years before. They went east, through the lands of the Cilternsaete, to find it. On the way they clashed with other Vikings, wild raiders, who stole their fragment of Ivar’s map. However the Oestvikingae were wise, and had memorised their fragment of the map, chanting its words and drawing its shapes on the ground. When they met the Holmbyggjar, who had also once possessed some of Ivar’s map but then lost it, they shared the details which they remembered and together they rebuilt the map in their minds. With the help of some Englisc they later managed to defeat the wild Vikings, enforcing the peace which Ceolwulf had made.

The Oestvikingae then followed other treasure hunters to the place where Ivar’s gold lay. Using the map they had memorised, they hurried to one of the locations, and the keen eyes of Thorhelm quickly spotted the glint of monastic relics. Some of their treasure was stolen by the Holmbyggjar, once again reneging on earlier friendship, so Guðrún and Fritha buried the rest. Later they managed to rescue another piece of treasure from Englisc hands, and Fritha buried it so well that no man could find it, though several saw the area she had hidden in it and searched it long and hard. They then had to get the treasure out of the area, beyond the grasping hands of the Englisc. They dug up their first hoard, and entrusted it to Thorhelm’s swift legs whilst the rest of the warband held up the Englisc attempting to persue him. Then Fritha sneaked out to her buried stash, and managed to return it all on her own whilst the other searchers were distracted.

That evening they dined well, and received news that Harald Fairhair was seeking to rule these islands as well as Norway. The Oestvikingae agreed that they would not bend their knee to him, but would march north with Halfdan to repel his attack (staying somewhat near the back of Halfdan’s army, making sure that they Englisc did not rise up behind them).

Historical Notes – Buried Gold and Medhamstead Abbey

Medhamstead monastery was one of the greatest foundations in Anglo-Saxon England, jointly founded by two of the earliest Christian English kings, Oswi of Northumbria and Peada of Mercia. In 870 it contained around 80 monks, but the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that:

A.D. 870. This year the army rode over Mercia into East-Anglia, and there fixed their winter-quarters at Thetford. And in the winter King Edmund fought with them; but the Danes gained the victory, and slew the king; whereupon they overran all that land, and destroyed all the monasteries to which they came. The names of the leaders who slew the king were Hingwar and Hubba. At the same time came they to Medhamsted, burning and breaking, and slaying abbot and monks, and all that they there found. They made such havoc there, that a monastery, which was before full rich, was now reduced to nothing. The same year died Archbishop Ceolnoth; and Ethered, Bishop of Witshire, was chosen Archbishop of Canterbury.

Hingwar was probably Ivar, whilst Hubba was one of his brothers. He may well be the “brother of Ingwar and Healfden” who appears in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in 878.
Medhamstead was rebuilt in 963-6, 100 years after our period, and evolved into the present Peterborough Cathedral.

What happened to the gold of Medhamsted Abbey is not recorded. Probably it was split between the raiders. However some our most spectacular Dark Age finds are from hoards have been deliberately buried, like the Staffordshire Hoard, the Cuerdale Hoard, and the Vale of York Hoard.
It’s presumed that these hoards were buried by people wanting to look after their property, who then died or were otherwise unable to return and dig them up. This event was meant to explore that concept, as well as playing with the idea of Easter Egg Hunts and our love of Treasure Island other pirate stories of buried gold and maps marked with big Xs!

The Kingslayer, early 874 a.d. (Earleywood, March 2014)

At which a small group of Vikings raided a monastery on the edge of Wessex, and stole the Kingslayer (the sword that killed the Viking King Bagsecg in one of the few battles where Englisc beat the Vikings), to weaken Mercian resolve and enable a prophecy.

Early 874. Over the previous decade, the Vikings had relentlessly pillaged the Englisc kingdoms, sacking cities (such as the sack of London in Autumn 872), burning monasteries and killing kings – King Edmund of East Anglia, and Osbriht and Aelle of Northumbria. Then reports suggested that the heathens were looking towards Mercia, the land of King Burhred.

Mercia was divided, torn. King Burhred dithered, unsure what to do, with his forces weakened by the years of fighting. A king’s thane called Ceolwulf, who claimed to be of the ancient royal line of the Iclingas, a descendant of the King Ceolwulf of Mercia who was deposed 50 years ago, said that Mercia’s best hope was to accept the Vikings, to pay them not to attack and to try and integrate with them rather than remaining in opposition. The heathens were merchants as well as fighters; why not trade with them rather than be raided by them?

But Alfred of Wessex, Burhred’s brother-in-law, believed that the Englisc should oppose the Vikings if they invade. When the Vikings invaded Wessex in 870, Alfred’s forces fought them and won several great victories (as well as some defeats, but it’s the victories that matter). Those victories became symbols of hope for many Englisc, particularly those of now-threatened Mercia.

Earleywood Monastery was founded at the site of one of those victories, and one of its greatest possessions was the Kingslayer, the sword that slew the Viking King Bagsecg at the nearby Battle of Ashdown. Once a year, on the anniversary of the battle, the sword was proudly displayed and processed around the battlefield, a great symbol of hope that stiffened the resolve of those who have to fight the heathens. If it fell into heathen hands it would be an ill omen, both because it would sow doubt amongst the Englisc by removing a powerful symbol and because the vǫlvas of the Viking had predicted that:

The Kingslaying blade will betray its bearer,
Defeat’s disgrace will be drowned in blood.

Thus, representatives of Wessex and Mercia (the Cilternsaete, Beorcsciringas and Sumorsaete) gathered to protect the procession of the Kingslayer, and managed to repulse attacks by the heathens (the Oestvikingae, Holmbyggjar and Westmen) who tried to seize control of the weapon; aided by divisions that sprung up between the Vikings as to who should own the sword, and what their eventual aim should be.

Vikings clash

However, once the Kingslayer was returned to its rightful place in the monastery, the Vikings fell upon the monastery with great force. The Englisc defenders were outnumbered, and did not manage to save the sword or the famed Scrolls of St. Swithun – although they did managed to protect some of the monastery’s relics and altar decorations.

Later, the Vikings and Englisc met at a great banquet, presided over by Glora of the Holmbyggjar.
There the Mercian Thegn Herewulf of the Cilternsaete asked the gathered folk their opinion of the future of Mercia, and Ceolwulf’s idea of peace (or, as some would say, surrender).

  • Glora of the Holmbyggjar talked of the friendship she had for some of the Englisc, the bonds that united the two peoples, and peaceful co-existence. As a sign of friendship she returned to Thegns Ceolred and Herewulf the Scrolls of St. Swithun.
  • Ceolred Monger, Thegn of the Beorcsciringas, talked of his experience as a refugee from war-torn Mercia, who had found a home in Wessex. He said he wanted to see an actual end to the fighting, a victory for the Englisc. He wanted to return home to Mercia, but a free Mercia, not one threatened by war and by land-stealing heathens. Ceolwulf would not truely get rid of the Vikings, only appease them at great cost, and so Ceolred would not support him.
  • Ingibjorg of the Holmbyggjar talked not of land-stealing but of peaceful settlement, of intermarriage and intermingling, and said that though she would not convert to following the White Christ, she believed that her future children, born in Britain, would be Christians.
  • Hersir Hauk of the Oestvikingae‘s view was more bloodthirsty. He emphasised the historical similarities between the Englisc and the Vikings, how the Angles and Saxons were once pagan invaders fighting settled Christians. But he also gave a stark warning – if the Englisc did not follow Ceolwulf and seek peace with the Vikings, they would be wiped out, with Burhred and Alfred going the way of Arthur, and the Englisc being confined to the wilds, just as the Welsh were by the Englisc. He talked of blood, and fire, and war; the death of kings and the elimination of peoples if they did not follow Ceolwulf.

Hauk’s words stirred Herewulf to great anger, and bloodshed was only avoided by the intervention of Glora. It is clear that the people of Mercia will not have an easy decision to make, and that dark times lie ahead – they have lost the Kingslayer, so their morale has taken a blow (although not as bad as if it had been taken from the procession itself), and Ceolwulf continues to speak out against King Burhred & in favour of peace.

An excerpt from Hauk Ragnarsson’s Saga
In 874, the Oestvikingae fell again upon Mercia. Mercia had been weakened by the many raids, and their leaders were divided between those seeking peace and those who would still fight. The vǫlva Guðrún told Hauk that the Kingslayer, the sword that slew King Bagsecg at Æscesdūn, was held at a monastery named Earleywood, and foresaw that:

The Kingslaying blade will betray its bearer,
Defeat’s disgrace will be drowned in blood.

Hauk swore that he would get the Kingslayer for Guðrún, and traveled south to find it. However it was well-defended, and so Hauk made an agreement with his father’s daughter Ingibjorg of the Holmbyggjar – she would give him the Kingslayer if it fell into her hands, and he would give her land to settle upon if any fell into his hands. Hauk cared not for the settled life, he was a raider and nothing else, and unlike the Holmbyggjar he had no wish to possess land for he sought only war. Seeing this, Kappi Bosison, younger son of Styrsman Bosi who led the Holmbyggjar, left the Holmbyggjar and joined the Oestvikingae to seek his fame and fortune.
Later that day, the Holmbyggjar managed to seize the Kingslayer. When the Oestvikingae re-joined them, however, they refused to hand it over and treacherously turned on Hauk’s forces. They struck Hauk, Fritha and Kappi down, and forced Thorhelm to surrender. But Thorhelm was cunning, and as soon as they were distracted he seized the Kingslayer, and fled back to the Oestvikingae. Sadly at this moment the Englisc arrived, attacked the divided Vikings, and took the Kingslayer. The Oestvikingae fell into berserking, and Kappi earned himself the name Spear-Splitter, but they did not recover the Kingslayer.
The Englisc took Kingslayer back the Earleywood Monastery, and so Hauk led the Oestvikingae there. The Englisc were few, and could not stand against the greater numbers of the Vikings, and thus the Vikings forced entry into the monastery and took the Kingslayer and other relics. Thorhelm, using his customary speed, escaped with the Kingslayer. However when he returned to the monastery he was ambushed by some nuns, who tormented him and placed a strange Christian curse upon his shield.
Later, at banquet, there were great discussions about whether Mercia should seek peace or war from the Vikings. Ingibjorg spoke in favour of co-operation and settlement, showing the Englisc what could happen if they chose peace; Hauk spoke of killing all who stood against him, showing the Englisc what could happen if they chose war – which led to Hauk almost coming to blows with Herewulf of Mercia. Hauk returned to Guðrún bearing Kingslayer.

Historical Note – The Battles of 870/871
871 is one of the larger entries in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and as it was such a key year we wanted to include it in our plot. Even though we are starting after it, running plots based from 872 onwards, it still loomed large. Here’s the full quote:

This year came the army to Reading in Wessex; and in the course of three nights after rode two earls up, who were met by Alderman Ethelwulf at Englefield; where he fought with them, and obtained the victory. There one of them was slain, whose name was Sidrac. About four nights after this, King Ethered and Alfred his brother led their main army to Reading, where they fought with the enemy; and there was much slaughter on either hand, Alderman Ethelwulf being among the skain; but the Danes kept possession of the field. And about four nights after this, King Ethered and Alfred his brother fought with all the army on Ashdown, and the Danes were overcome. They had two heathen kings, Bagsac and Healfden, and many earls; and they were in two divisions; in one of which were Bagsac and Healfden, the heathen kings, and in the other were the earls. King Ethered therefore fought with the troops of the kings, and there was King Bagsac slain; and Alfred his brother fought with the troops of the earls, and there were slain Earl Sidrac the elder, Earl Sidrac the younger, Earl Osbern, Earl Frene, and Earl Harold. They put both the troops to flight; there were many thousands of the slain, and they continued fighting till night. Within a fortnight of this, King Ethered and Alfred his brother fought with the army at Basing; and there the Danes had the victory. About two months after this, King Ethered and Alfred his brother fought with the army at Marden. They were in two divisions; and they put them both to flight, enjoying the victory for some time during the day; and there was much slaughter on either hand; but the Danes became masters of the field; and there was slain Bishop Heahmund, with many other good men. After this fight came a vast army in the summer to Reading. And after the Easter of this year died King Ethered. He reigned five years, and his body lies at Winburn-minster. Then Alfred, his brother, the son of Ethelwulf, took to the kingdom of Wessex. And within a month of this, King Alfred fought against all the Army with a small force at Wilton, and long pursued them during the day; but the Danes got possession of the field. This year were nine general battles fought with the army in the kingdom south of the Thames; besides those skirmishes, in which Alfred the king’s brother, and every single alderman, and the thanes of the king, oft rode against them; which were accounted nothing. This year also were slain nine earls, and one king; and the same year the West-Saxons made peace with the army.

‘Make peace with the army’ probably means paying danegeld to get rid of the Vikings, so ultimately the year was probably a Viking victory. But it’s still a key time, as these are the first victories against the Vikings recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. The Kingslayer is our invention, as is Earleywood Monastery.

The Sack of London, Autumn 872 A.D. (Flaunden, October 2013)

At which the Vikings harried refugees from the sack of London, as they fled up Watling Street towards the Abbey of St. Albans.

Autumn 872. The great Mercian town of London had been taken by the Great Army, causing many Christian folk to flee the city.

King Burhred of Mercia and King Alfred of Wessex each sent fyrdsmen to find and succour the fleeing Christians and escort them to safety. Besides that, each fyrd was tasked to try and find out what the Great army intended to do next – and, in the case of the West Saxons, also what the Mercians’ intentions were.

Having fought their way through bands of Viking plunderers, the Mercians and West Saxons found the fleeing Christians and escorted them north up Watling Street to seek sanctuary at the Abbey of St Albans. That was not without incident – the prospect of taking slaves and booty drew Viking raiders to the convoy, harrying it incessantly. The members of the refugee column were thus often scattered, but the Christians did eventually succeed in re-forming the convoy and continuing north. In a last attempt to stop them, the Vikings drew up across Watling Street to block the road.

The fyrdsmen charged them, and although there were many slain on both sides, the Christians fleeing London managed to reach the Abbey, and safety.

Some weeks later the Mercians made peace with the Great Army, and a banquet was held to celebrate that – and to try and find out what might happen next.

Because so many had fallen in battle, Abbot Wulfnoth of St Albans wished to make good his losses and bolster his local defences, and so Guthwald of the Cilternsaete was granted five hides of land at Sandridge and made a thegn, provided he fulfilled the three common dues of bridge work, fortress work, and fyrd service, and was presented on behalf of the Abbot with a mail byrnie. His wergeld was increased to 1200 shillings.

During the banquet, it emerged that the Vikings would next raid Northumbria – but what after that?

An excerpt from Hauk Ragnarsson’s Saga
The next year the Great Heathen Host descended upon London. As the Englisc fled their burning city, the Oestvikingae fell upon them, under the orders of the vǫlva Guðrún to gather living creatures for sacrifice at blót. The Englisc attempted to travel in a convoy, escorting refugees to St Albans, but the Oestvikingae harried them, chasing through the woodlands, howling like wolves and striking where they were weakest. The Englisc convoy collapsed, and Hauk unleashed Thorhelm the Cruel, who chased down the unarmed civilians and children like a fearsome beast. However, the Oestvikingae over-extended themselves, advancing ahead of the other Vikings, and were driven off by the re-grouped Englisc, who marched on to St. Albans. Guðrún was displeased not to have her offering, and the Oestvikingae swore to do better next time… Whilst the plunder from London was being divided, Fritha of the Oestvikingae, wife of Thorhelm, claimed for herself the Chalice of King Edwin of Northumbria, a precious vessel that once bore the sainted King’s head.